Friday, 25 April 2014

Tips to Cope with Infertility

Let’s face it, infertility is tough situation to cope, especially in a society where having a child is only the next step post-marriage. Also, answering questions on why a couple is not having a baby can be not just annoying but also stressful for those involved. However, there are some simple ways in which a couple can deal with the situation.

Infertility (Photo Courtesy:

Handle it as a couple: Infertility is not an individual problem; irrespective of whether it is you or your spouse who has problems, treat it is an issue you have to handle together, as a couple. Also, it is important to find yourselves a good support system so you can handle emotional issues.

Deal Infertility as a Couple (Photo Courtesy:
Don’t worry about others: Don’t be defensive when the society around you questions you about your infertility; you are not answerable to anyone about these issues. There are people who are ever so willing to offer you unsolicited advice, but learn to turn a deaf ear to them. Let them know you can handle your life on your own.

Focus on other aspects: Infertility is a big issue, but that does not mean you put your life on hold. You should also focus attention on other aspects of your life – you have a set of friends, you have a career, a new course, a promotion all to think about. Having children is only one aspect of your life, so don’t make it your life’s mission.

Have gratitude: Learn to be grateful for what you have. Often, in our quest for what we don’t have, we often forget that we have a great spouse, a loving set of parents, excellent friends and a fun life! So, be happy for the things you have; go on a vacation if you can, take up a new course. There is a whole world out there waiting to be discovered.
Be Happy for What you Have (Photo Courtesy:
Hit pause and evaluate: Assess your fertility treatment from time to time and talk to your specialist about what other options are available. Maybe you want to stop trying because there is too much stress involved, maybe you want to try a new treatment – stop and evaluate your situation.

Fertility Treatment (Photo Courtesy:
Stay well-informed: There are many fertility specialists in Bangalore, and you may have been consulting one of them by now. You will need to keep yourself updated about the various solutions to your problem. Staying well-informed and exploring one of the fertility treatments suggested by your specialist in Bangalore will definitely help. Meanwhile, always bear in mind that infertility is a medical situation and has no moral connotations.

Dr.Manisha Singh (Specialist in Reproductive Medicine - Fortis Fertility Centre)
Assess your finances: Financially too, infertility could take a toll, so discuss with your partner and organize resources for the same. Do your research on the costs of fertility treatment in Bangalore, and then choose one which is medically and financially appropriate for you.

Fertility Treatment Cost (Photo Courtesy:
Why not adopt? Think of other options such as adoption. This can be meaningful and emotionally satisfying and you can still raise a child and feel fulfilled. Meanwhile, you can still continue with your treatment, but now you are less anxious. Learning to de-stress and letting go of things that are not under your control are the best ways to cope with life’s challenges.

Adopt & Feel Fulfilled (Photo Courtesy:

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